Winery with cellar bar approved in Somerset
RCC were pleased to have attained this planning permission in Frome
RCC were pleased to have attained this planning permission in Frome
RCC are delighted to have attained planning permission in relation to this property in a rural area east of Bath
RCC are relieved to have attained retrospective planning permission for the Electric Bear Brewery in Bath
RCC are delighted to have attained planning permission for the extension of this yard in Wiltshire
The cafe was at a marina in Wiltshire and it was originally granted consent a few years ago for daytime use. It had however been extended without planning permission and there was a wish to extend the opening hours for a new tenant.
Planning permission has been attained to remove the existing timber cladding on this building and replace with render.
RCC are pleased to have attained this certificate to confirm that the work our client had undertaken at their business premises was permitted development and didn't need planning permission
We were delighted to have had two lawfulness applications approved at this farm near Devizes
RCC are delighted to have attained permission for the conversion of this building after some very protracted negotiations with the council
RCC are delighted to have attained reserved matters permission for the full details of the dwelling with the minimum of delay
Following a refusal of planning permission by Wiltshire Council RCC have been success on appeal
RCC are delighted to have attained retrospective planning permission for a storage use at a farm in Devizes
RCC are extremely pleased to have attained two consents at this site where the planning issues had been complicated and subject to extensive discussions and negotiations with the council.
RCC are delighted that full permission has been granted for two huts in Wiltshire
The application was retrospective and had been subject to an enforcement complaint and we are delighted that after a long delay permission has now been granted.
It is always nice to see our previous planning permissions being built and this new unit is looking really good.
RCC are delighted to have attained this full planning permission in the AONB
RCC are delighted to have secured these planning permissions and resolve a difficult planning situation for our clients
RCC are pleased to have attained this permission in the centre of Devizes for Gaiger Bros Ltd.
RCC are delighted to have attained permission for this dwelling sited outside of the defined settlement boundary
Latest commercial case studies:
This site was the main warehouse and distribution premises for the Devizes based brewery Wadworth & Co Ltd, containing workshops and stabling for shire horses. RCC became involved in this site to act on behalf of the brewery who intended to reorganise their activities and operations whereby the main site would become redundant as a result.
Sixpenny Nurseries have a small group of nurseries in Wiltshire. Their lease in Devizes was ending and new premise was a priority. RCC discussed possible options with them but a number of possible sites raised issues concerning the potential impact of the proposed use on traffic and residential amenity of an area.
RCC was asked by the architects for this job (PKA Architects) to assist them by submitting a planning application for a farm diversification proposal. The proposal, on a dairy farm, was to establish a micro ice cream factory within an existing small agricultural building whilst then building an additional linked building to house a café.