The site had a complicated planning history have been approved for residential use a number of years ago but that use was tied so it had to be ancillary to the clients main house that was several hundred metres away.   The initial issue came from the use of the main building and a pond building (photo below) as a holiday let which the was consider a breach of the original planning permission.

The pond building

RCC applied for the necessary planning permission to allow the holiday let uses to continue which raised numerous planning issues that we had to address.  In addition, in the course of the application the planning officer noted that the pond building had not been built in accordance with the approved drawings and that a retrospective application was required for the building.   However this would raise flooding and ecology issues so instead RCC prepared and submitted a certificate of lawfulness application to prove that the building was now immune from enforcement action.

The result was that the permission was granted to allow the holiday let use to continue and the certificate of lawfulness was issued.  A huge relief to our clients.

There is one more planning matter to resolve on the site but that is also almost dealt with and we look forward to the resolution of the final issue shortly.