Permission to create 105 flats in redundant office block in Plymouth approved
RCC are delighted that to have now had the approval through from the council for this exciting project in Plymouth
Navigate our services:
We will offer you the complete package of planning services ranging from proposals for; a single new building, conversion of existing buildings, mixed use schemes, new developments, regeneration, solar, agricultural, equestrian and large residential and commercial schemes.
You are important in this process and we will keep you informed throughout. Clear and effective communication is our strength, along with reliability and a commitment to each client and their project. In our experience of working with clients, the involvement of a town planning consultant at the earliest stage can save you valuable time and money. However if you have already submitted an application that has been refused, or approved subject to planning conditions which are unacceptable to you, then we can provide specialist advice for preparing a re-submission or submitting your planning appeal.
We provide guidance on matters relating to planning conditions imposed, including agricultural occupancy conditions where we can advise whether those conditions could be removed or varied. Please click on the links above to the four key service areas or the links below for further details on the specific services we provide;
Expert assessment of development potential and pitfalls is essential for landowners and developers. We can identify site constraints and opportunities and apply the necessary policy context. We can help identify sites for your particular development and undertake a feasibility study before purchasing land or a property. Site appraisals and feasibility studies can ensure that neither time nor money is wasted on development proposals.
A professionally prepared application supported by a planning statement based on specialist and current knowledge of planning issues is in an applicant’s best interest. Architects invariably draw up plans based on design, often overlooking the detailed and changing requirements of Local Planning Policies which can result in the planning application being more likely to be refused. The planning system can be complex and any proposals need to have regard to Local Planning Policies. It gives the application the best chance of success and ensures there are no unnecessary delays in the determination of the application, or its refusal.
We can co-ordinate the submission of the whole application, including the input of other professionals such as architects and other necessary consultants, or work with your existing architect and team to provide the necessary planning expertise.
When planning applications are refused we can advise clients on whether or not to appeal and if so what form that appeal should take. In some instances it may be best to revisit and amend the proposal before re-submitting the application to the council. If however an appeal is necessary, we will deal with all aspects of that appeal. This will include the writing of the appeal statement, dealing with all correspondence, liaising with the planning inspectorate and planning officers and appearing at any hearing or public inquiry.
Early and constructive engagement with the council, both officers and councillors, together with local residents and town/parish councils has always been important. The localism agenda together with Council’s planning application validation requirements has made this even more essential. We are very experienced in dealing with council officers, councillors, town/parish councils and local residents and are well placed to ensure the right form and amount of consultation and community engagement is undertaken for your planning proposal.
Councils have to continually review their local plans/core strategies as well as a number of other supporting documents. It is imperative those who have an interest in the use of land promote or safeguard their interests through these processes. We can advise, make representations and lodge objections on your behalf.
Since 2006 some planning applications must be submitted with a Design and Access Statement which needs to explain and justify what is being applied for. Local councils also often require planning statements to be submitted with planning applications. A comprehensive design and access/planning statement is also very beneficial in ensuring a robust case is presented in support of your proposal. We can ensure an appropriate and thorough statement is submitted with your application.
If building work or changes of use take place without planning permission the local council can pursue enforcement action. This could require the removal of any building work carried out or the cessation of any use being carried out, both of which could be costly to both individuals and businesses. Seeking prompt professional planning advice on how to deal with the planning system is essential and can safeguard both businesses and individuals from the serious implications of enforcement action. We are very experienced in enforcement matters and can often negotiate with councils to resolve the matter without formal enforcement action taking place. If enforcement action is pursued, or formal notices have already been served, we can represent you and appeal against the enforcement notice(s).
When planning applications are submitted for proposed development of neighbouring buildings or land, the council will normally notify you of the proposal by letter. If you wish to object, or make observations concerning the proposal, it is necessary to formally write to the council within their statutory consultation period. Whilst individuals can do this themselves, RCC Town Planning Consultancy, using their experience and thorough understanding of the planning process and planning policies, are able to submit representations on their behalf.
RCC Town Planning Consultancy is able to offer advice on a wide range of other planning related matters including; planning conditions, Lawful Development Certificates and Section 106 Agreements.
Latest news:
RCC are delighted that to have now had the approval through from the council for this exciting project in Plymouth
RCC are delighted to have attained full planning permission to convert two buildings to residential use in Wiltshire
RCC were pleased to have attained this planning permission in Frome