We have been working extensively with our clients, a wide range of consultants and the residents of the village for almost 2 years to get to this point. The proposal will transform a redundant farmyard into a high quality development of 14 dwellings, which will include 4 affordable houses and other benefits for the community. The existing aerial photograph and the CGI image of the proposed development below illustrates the huge improvement this proposal will make to this part of the village.

It was full accepted that this number of houses in this location was contrary to local planning policy. However it was also clear that the council lacked any planning polices to deal with redundant farm yards. RCC were heavily involved from day one with the client in building a planning case that involved significant benefits from the proposal and that, when considering the overall planning balance, there was a clear justification for approving the proposal.
Our clients also worked extensively with the local community from a very early stage and as a result we had the overwhelming support of the Parish Council and, after lengthy discussions with the planning officers we went to the planning committee with a recommendation of approval. We also had the local Wiltshire Councillor attend the meeting and speak in support of the proposal. The result was an unanimous decision to support the recommendation of approval subject to the completion of a Section 106 Planning Legal Agreement concerning the affordable housing provision and other matters related to the development.
The final CGIs below show a view at the entrance of the site and one from the new footpath link into the site and we can't wait for this site to be built out.