DRA Architects first approached us for advice on whether this proposal had a sufficient chance of success and, after assessing the proposal, we advised on the planning issues and risks. When the owner decided to pursue this proposal RCC were appointed to advise further on the proposal as it was worked up, engage other consultants to work on the project and prepare a detailed planning statement in support of the proposal.

The resulting scheme, whilst modest was high quality and full met the requirements of the owner. During the application process a few issues were raised and RCC helped the architect in their responses and, not long after, the full planning permission was granted.
This is an example of how RCC can work. We often get approached directly by owners and developers wanting us to bring forward a proposal for them and we engage architects and others to work with us but at other times the architect gets the initial contact and approaches us to help them with the application as ultimately planning consultants are the planning specialists. So whilst you may know you need an architect to design and draw up proposals for you, many proposals also need the input of a specialist planning consultancy, and that is where RCC come in.