Manor Farm Allington

RCC has attained planning permission for a wide variety of agricultural projects. One of the largest and most complicated of these projects was a new dairy building, which incorporated robotic milking facilities.

The building was proposed on a ‘greenfield’ site outside the main farmyard within the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). We clearly needed to establish the building would have no adverse impact on the AONB landscape. In addition a wide range of other issues needed to be addressed, including; highway matters, drainage, ecology and the potential impact on neighbouring dwellings due to noise or odour from the proposed use of the building. Whilst there was considerable local support there was also a vocal campaign against the proposal from a few local residents.

The whole process, from the initial pre-application enquiry to the Council, to the Parish Council meeting and the need for extensive input from a variety of specialist consultants was complicated and time consuming. We co-ordinated and managed the whole process ensuring the strongest possible case was promoted in support of the proposal.
Through our detailed and determined approach the planning application was recommended for approval when reported to Wiltshire Council’s Planning Committee. Richard Cosker attended and presented to the committee alongside a family member and local resident who supported the application. The application was finally approved at the committee, the success of which was extremely satisfying after a long and complicated planning process.