One of the applications was to extend and improve the current American barn on the site and even though there had been so controversy about the site in the past the planning officer approved the application with no delay.

The second application to to extend an significantly modify the owners equestrian tied house, which to put it politely, was a very plain and underwhelming house as can be seen from the before photograph above.

Proposed elevation as approved 

The architect explored a number of options for the building, some more radical than others.  The preferred option was submitted with the application and, whilst the planning officer was happy with the increase in size, they raised some concerns and asked for a further review of the design.  RCC worked with the client and the architect to find a solution that gave them the improvements they needed whilst getting the support of the planning officer.  The extract above shows the result which we feel hugely elevates and improves the house and this was agreed by the planning officer who granted permission under delegated powers.