Rabley Wood
RCC was asked by the Manton Estate to work with Jeremy Browne Associates on a proposed development in Marlborough. The proposal involved the development of a current council owned open space/play area for housing whilst compensatory open space was provided on adjacent land owned by the estate. The development site and the compensatory open space can be seen in the attached photographs.
Once the initial promotion agreement work was completed with the council, RCC were able to initiate the planning process which involved; a formal pre-application enquiry to the planning department, community involvement work (including a public exhibition) and then preparation and submission of the planning application. This was an extremely complex and lengthy process and we brought in and managed a wide range of other consultants, including; architects, landscape architects, ecologists, highway engineers and drainage engineers.
A comprehensive planning application was submitted and the attached drawings show the proposed illustrative layout and sections. One of the viewpoints from the landscape impact report is also provided. Objections were received from some local residents and also from the Town Council. Extensive negotiations were required. Those negotiations were successful and officers presented the proposal to the planning committee with a recommendation of approval.
Unfortunately Councillors on the Planning Committee decide to refuse the application contrary to the recommendation. RCC were therefore instructed to submit an appeal against the refusal to the Planning Inspectorate which was successful and we were delighted when the Inspector overturned the refusal and allowed the appeal.